Sunday, March 21, 2010

10 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Bought My First House

I not only wish my Realtor had told me these things when I bought my first house, but also my second!

I've been fortunate to have things work out, but a huge part of my motivation for becoming a REALTOR was to help others make wise decisions that work for them rather than LUCKY ones!

Via Janet Guilbault California Mortgage Banker/Broker:

1. You are 25 years old. In 15 years, you will be 40 years old. Wouldn't you like to have this house paid off and be only 40 years old?

2. The price of buying a FIXER is you have to LIVE in a fixer, and be chained to it on weekends (when you should be out having fun) You are only young once.

3. You can change the ugly carpet, but you can't change the ugly location.

4. Buying a house should be about making memories, not making money.

5. Believe it or not, the real estate agent knows more about real estate than you do.

6. Buying a house is like having a baby. You forget the labor pains the moment you see the baby.

7. Getting the house before the financing is like getting the cart before the horse.

8. Your friends are just jealous.

9. Is this house REALLY worth the commute to your job?

10. Psssst! It costs more than just the payment to have a house, and the yard doesn't take care of itself, either.